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Clone the repo

git clone

Initial Setup

cd demo/sdlc-e2e

Run the Compose

docker compose up -d

Setting up the Demo

Bring up the API service

npm install
npm run dev

Accessing the Web Client

Open the web client (http://localhost:5173) and create a few products.

Accessing the database visualizer

Open http://localhost:5050 and validate the products exist in the database. "Good! We see the UPCs are persisted in the database"

Use the following Postgres CLI to check if the products are added or not.

# psql -U postgres
psql (17.1 (Debian 17.1-1.pgdg120+1))
Type "help" for help
postgres=# \c catalog
You are now connected to database "catalog" as user "postgres".
catalog=# SELECT * FROM products;
  1 | New Product | 100000000001 | 100.00 | f
  2 | New Product | 100000000002 | 100.00 | f
  3 | New Product | 100000000003 | 100.00 | f

Access the Kafka Visualizer

Before we access visualizer, let's apply the patch:

Open the Kafka visualizer http://localhost:8080 and look at the published messages. "Ah! We see the messages don't have the UPC"


Let's fix it...


In VS Code, open the src/services/ProductService.js file and add the following to the publishEvent on line ~52:

upc: product.upc,

Save the file and create a new product using the web UI.


Validate the message has the expected contents.