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Unit and Integration Testing

Run the following command from the root of the project directory:

npm run unit-test
npm run integration-test

The script includes the following key components:

  • Test > src > integration >
  • kafkaSupport
  • containerSupport
  • productCreation.integration.*.js

1.Importing required modules:

fs for reading image files. containerSupport for creating and managing Docker containers for testing. kafkaSupport for consuming messages from Kafka.

2.Setting up and tearing down test environment:

Starting Docker containers for PostgreSQL, Kafka, and Localstack using the containerSupport module. Creating an instance of the KafkaConsumer for consuming messages from Kafka. Importing the ProductService and PublisherService for testing the product creation feature. Disconnecting from Kafka and tearing down the test environment after all tests have completed.

3.Defining unit and integration tests:

"Product creation" test suite: "should publish and return a product when creating a product": Tests the creation of a product, verification of the product's properties, and retrieval of the product from the product service. "should publish a Kafka message when creating a product": Tests the creation of a product and verification of the corresponding Kafka message. "should upload a file correctly": Tests the upload of an image file, verification of the corresponding Kafka message, and retrieval of the image file from the product service. "doesn't allow duplicate UPCs": Tests the prevention of creating products with duplicate UPCs.

The script also includes a timeout value for starting the Docker containers and waiting for messages from Kafka, ensuring that the tests have enough time to complete.

Overall, the script provides a comprehensive set of unit and integration tests for the "Product creation" feature, ensuring that the functionality is working as expected and providing valuable feedback on the overall system. ```

Open Testcontainer Desktop app and you'll notice that 3 containers appear and disppear.
